Paul Bitok, the Vice President of the Kenya Volleyball Federation (KVF), has voluntarily relinquished his role as the assistant coach for the...
In a significant development for Kenyan volleyball, the Kenya Volleyball Federation (KVF) has inked a pivotal partnership agreement with a local beverage...
Officials from the Kenya Volleyball Federation (KVF) expressed optimism about the upcoming Zone V Championship and African Games qualifiers in Cairo, Egypt....
Kenya Volleyball Federation (KVF) President, Charles Nyaberi, is optimistic as Kenya gears up to host the CAVB Zone V Beach Volleyball qualifiers...
Kenya Volleyball Federation (KVF) President Charles Nyaberi has unveiled the provisional 20-member squads for the upcoming 2023 East Africa Community Games. The...
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Liverpool are into their second successive Champions League final after overcoming Barcelona with a...
The Confederation of African Football (CAF) has announced a significant boost in the prize...
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